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How to create Custom header tags in blogger

Heading creates first impression of you blog-post or new article. It should be well defined and niche. Because heading also gives general idea of your entire content.

Search engines also use Headings to get idea of your content. In blogger it is possible to set header tags for your blog-post.

There are few header tags available that you may add in to your content. After doing this it will generates hierarchy of your content with different font change like bigger to smaller headers.

custom header tags for blogger
It may be look like this:
<h1>Main Heading </h1>
<h2>Sub Heading</h2>
<h3>Minor heading</h3>
<h4>Normal text</h4>
If you are using blogger template designer template then you may do some changes in your html. Because by default in blogger they have set H3 tag for post Main heading.

To correct this go to Template>>Edit HTML and find H3 by pressing Alt+f key and replace all with H1 and click save.
