If you noticed your url structure while working with blogger one thing is interesting that it will change the .com with country specific domain name.Example if you surfing from India it will be look like as xxxx.blogspot.in , .mx etc. It is not critical issue or also it will not impact your overall seo rank .No any problem cause if you Ignore it.But some time whenever you trying to find any monetization platform like any ppc ads company, they only allow only one specific domain either .com or .in. And it may cause problem your earning.Suppose your website approved with .com and now your blog redirecting with country specific domain the ads you places shows error message like BAD Referrer . The you need to stop redirecting ulr.This little code will help you to do that simply. How to Stop Blogger to Redirecting to Country Specific URL Here is the simple Easy way to Stop Blogger to Redirecting to Country Specific URL. to Stop your blog automatically redirect
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